Limited Company
Addresses - an explanation of the different types of company address.
Associated companies - if your company is associated with one or more other companies this could impact your business (e.g. you could pay higher corporation tax)
Auto enrolment & pensions - we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions that employers ask us about pensions and auto enrolment.
Business structure - we take a look at the pros and cons of a limited company v's a sole trade structure.
Car - is it best to buy a car through my company or personally?
Charitable donations - what criteria need to be met when making a donation to charity from a limited company
Closure - how to close down a limited company.
Director loan interest - should I charge my company interest on a loan a director makes to the company?
Director responsibilities - we take you through your responsibilities as a new company director with Millward, May & Co.
Director salary - what is the best salary and dividend to pay myself as a director/shareholder?
Expenses - what expenses can I claim as a limited company?
Electric car - how does it work when I buy an electric car through my company?
Employee & client perks - expenses that may be considered to be perks through the company.
Garden office - can I put a garden office through my limited company?
IR35 legislation - designed to prevent tax avoidance by contractors who provide their services through a limited company but who are actually acting as an employee.
Maternity allowances - there are two types of maternity leave potentially available to company directors.
Overdrawn director loan - what are the rules when the director owes the company money?
PSC - what are PSC’s (persons of significant control)?
Rental agreement - if I use my property for business use, should I create a rental agreement between myself and my limited company?
Share issue - how to issue company shares?
Share transfer - how to transfer company shares?
Tax planning - we show you how it's possible to reduce your personal tax liability when trading through a company?
Training courses - can I claim training costs through my business?
Personal Tax
Benefit in kind - a list of common benefits provided to employees by their employer.
Mileage - is your employer paying you less than 45p per mile for business mileage in your personal car?
Pension Types - there are two types of pension - we compare a ‘salary sacrifice’ pension to a ‘relief at source’ one.
Rental property - we look in to whether it's more tax efficient to own rental property personally or through a company.
SA302 - how do I get an SA302 and tax overview for mortgage purposes?
Tax code - what does my tax code mean?
Flat rate scheme - what is the flat rate VAT scheme and should you be on it?
Rechargeable costs - if your customer agrees to pay for your expense costs (e.g. travel, food, mileage) there is a common mistake that businesses make when invoicing their customers.
Registration - is it beneficial for my business to become VAT registered?
Services (not goods) abroad - do I need to charge VAT on my services supplied to an overseas company?
Reverse charge CIS - reverse charge VAT for the construction industry.
Rates - where to post different VAT receipts in FreeAgent, Xero & QuickBooks
Bookkeeping - here is a list of what we expect if you do your own bookkeeping
FreeAgent - how to use your FreeAgent bookkeeping software.
Quickbooks - how to use your Quickbooks bookkeeping software.
Xero - how to use your Xero bookkeeping software.
Iris Openspace
In order to view and approve your accounts and/or tax returns you’ll need an Iris Openspace account. Here are tutorials on how to:
| Activate your account | E-approve files using a mobile device | E-approve files using a computer |
HMRC Tax Accounts
Business tax account - in order to start managing taxes online (such as submitting VAT or CIS Returns) you'll need to set up a government gateway account.
Personal tax account - view your national insurance contribution record, PAYE record and change your home address - just a few of the things you can do when you have a personal tax account.
CIS contractor - what your responsibilities are as a CIS contractor.
Company management - how to do certain tasks for your company.
Payroll - new employer guide
Sole trade expenses - what expenses can I claim as a sole trader?
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