Wokingham Accountants

OpenSpace - Computer Approval



If you're not currently logged into Iris OpenSpace, please select one of the following options:

  • If you're logging in to Iris OpenSpace for the first time, click here.

  • If you've logged into Iris OpenSpace before, click here.

Locating Files

The imaginary person in our example below is Miss Iris Openspace.

You should now be logged into the Iris Openspace home screen.. This screen will show unread files that you haven't viewed yet.

Openspace - dashboard.PNG

To view them you can click on them. However to approve them you'll need to click on 'all files' on the left hand side of your screen.

Openspace - all files.PNG

Viewing Files

Before approving a file you'll need to view it by clicking on the file name. Click on the name of the file that you wish to approve - download and view it to make sure that everything is in order.

Openspace - click on file you want to approve.PNG

Approving Files

Once you've viewed it and are happy with the document, click 'approve'.

Openspace - click approve.PNG

Click 'approve' again on the approve screen.

Openspace - click approve 2.PNG

You will be returned to the previous screen where the document approval option should now show a date of approval.

Openspace - approved.PNG

What Next

You'll then need to view, download and approve all of the other documents that we have asked you to approve. If you have a query about your documents please do not hesitate to get in contact before you go ahead and approve them.

If you have approved a document that needs to be submitted to HMRC or Companies House we will go ahead and submit them to the relevant government department on your behalf.